Hi all! Can anyone help me here?
Yesterday while the machine (M1 Ultra) was working the probe got caught in part of our engraving and stopped the laser from moving. We caught it quickly and shut the machine down. When we restarted it everything appeared to reset to normal.
Today I was working and completed multiple projects on multiple surfaces. Everything appeared to be running well. Then oddly we started another project and we got no response from the laser. You could see a light firing, but there was not a “scratch” on the product. We set the laser to multiple powers and got no response whatsoever.
We removed the 20w cartridge. We cleaned both the probe and the lens. We even worked from the top down on the module by removing the top and cleaning the fan. Also blew out our extraction line and put a new filter in the machine.
Still, we got a light but no power.
We did realize that on our next to last project we had marked an area for the project, and done the measurements, but the light was moving vertically instead of the horizontal orientation for the item we had on screen.
So, we uninstalled an reinstalled the software, also verified our firmware was up to date. Shut everything down for a couple hours and then restarted.
It didn't fix our issue. So we found a trouble shooting page that told us to do what we have already done. Problem is their next solution it to replace the laser cartridge. HHMMM…this only has 106 working hours on it.
I don't see just the cartridge for sale-though it has been less than a year so hopefully its under warranty.