How to Use the Same Design - Batch Processing Mode with F1 Ultra
Updated Jan 2,2025
Updated Jan 2,2025

#1 Preparations

STEP 1 Connect the conveyor to xTool F1 Ultra

Follow the instructions in the User Manual for xTool Conveyor to install and connect the conveyor.

STEP 2 Connect xTool F1 Ultra to XCS

(1) Use the USB cable to connect xTool F1 Ultra to your computer.
(2) Open XCS on your computer. On the top-right corner of XCS, click +New project.
(3) On the right side of the project editing page, click Connect device.
Note: If you have connected an xTool device in XCS before, click the icon > Connect device.
(4) On the pop-up window, click the name of your device to connect to it.
Note: For more information on other connection methods, see Connect xTool F1 Ultra to XCS.

#2 Start processing the same design in batches

STEP 1 Select the processing mode

On the top of XCS, click the name of the current processing mode, and then select Same Design - Batch Processing as the processing mode.

STEP 2 Read Instructions before processing

After selecting the processing mode, the slogan "Read instructions before batch processing" will appear at the top of the canvas. Click on this slogan to learn how to use conveyor for batch processing.

STEP 3 Place the material and perform laser focusing

Place a material in the processing area, allowing the blue light spot to fall on the surface of the material.
Note: Do not use thin materials permeable to light (such as paper and cloth) on the conveyor. Laser beams falling on the belt will damage it.
Hold down on the Up/Down button for laser module to lift or lower the laser module. When the red and blue light spots overlap, the focus is successfully set.
Note: The blue light spot does not move. If the laser module moves up, the red light spot moves towards the left. If the laser module moves down, the red light spot moves towards the right.
Note: xTool F1 Ultra supports auto-focus and manual-focus. Here we use manual-focus. For more information on how to use auto-focus, see Perform Laser Focusing.

STEP 4 Shoot background and design a processing object

(1) In the pop-up window, click the Refresh background icon. XSC takes a photo of xTool F1 Ultra’s processing area and inserts the photo as the canvas background. You can position processing objects based on the background.
To ensure positioning accuracy, set the laser focus before shooting background. Ensure that the background photo can fully and clearly display the material. You can adjust the shooting environment by adjusting the device's fill light or pulling down the protective enclosure. If the materials in the photo have obvious shadows or are not clear, adjust the material position and click Refresh again to take a new photo.
(2) Using the tools to the left of the canvas, create an object inside the material.
Note: For now, this mode supports processing only one object at a time.
(3) Select the object to further edit it using the tools on the top of the canvas.
(4) Set parameters for the selected objects.
Note: The conveyor does not support laser cutting.
Note: For more information about the processing parameters, see The Processing Parameters for xTool F1 Ultra.

STEP 5 Frame out the sample material

Click Next and enter the "Frame out material" page. Move or resize the bounding box to include the sample material inside it. Then, click Fill.

STEP 6 Set the processing path

(2) In the bottom-right corner of XCS, click the icon to set the processing path.
Evade smoke: When this feature is enabled, the device follows a path less affected by the smoke to process the material.
Note: You are advised to enable this feature for scoring on materials such as wood and corrugated paper that produce heavy smoke. Otherwise, the heavy smoke may block the laser beams and interfere laser processing.
Processing path:
  • Auto planning: XCS automatically plans the processing path based on intelligent algorithms.
  • User defining: Manually set the processing paths for some objects.

STEP 7 Preview the processing area

You can preview the processing area on the material by framing. Framing means laser dots walk along the border of the processing objects on the material. Take the following steps to start framing:
(1) In the bottom-right corner of the software, click the icon next to the Framing button to set the parameters for framing.


● Light power: Sets the laser power for framing.
● Mode
In the Rect mode, laser dots walk along the rectangle border of the processing objects.
In the Outline mode, laser dots walk along the outline of the processing objects.
(2) Click Framing in the software. The laser dots will move along the boundary of the processing objects on the material so that you can preview the processing area.
To stop framing, click the Stop Framing button at the bottom-right corner of XCS.
Note: If the processing area is not ideal, adjust the object positions in the software, and the boundary shown on the material changes accordingly in real time.

STEP 8 Start processing

(1) In the bottom-right corner of the software, click Process.
(2)Wait to prepare for processing.
(3) Preview the processing pattern and path.
On the bottom-left corner, click the button, and XCS will show you the processing path.
(4) Wear a pair of goggles that can shield laser beams of 455 nm and 1064 nm wavelengths.
Note: When xTool F1 Ultra is used with a conveyor, its protective enclosure cannot be fully closed. For your safety, it is recommended that you wear goggles during processing. Safety goggles are not included with xTool F1 Ultra or the conveyor. Please purchase them separately.
(5) In the upper right corner of the software, click Start. When the software shows “Ready”, press the XTOOL Start/Stop button on the touchscreen controller to start processing.
(6)During processing, keep adding new materials to the conveyor. Place them to the right of the processing area.
Note: When placing materials, keep your hand away from the processing area to avoid injuries. Do not place a mat erial close to the edges. Otherwise, the material may fail to be processed. Ensure that the materials do not touch or overlap with each other.

STEP 9 Stop processing

Auto-stop: If no material is detected for 5 consecutive times, the batch processing will be automatically ended.
Manual-stop: Click Cancel in XCS or double press the XTOOL Start/Stop button on the touchscreen controller.
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