Configure Wi-Fi for Your xTool Device via xTool Creative Space
Updated Jan 8,2025
Updated Jan 8,2025

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect your xTool device to a Wi-Fi network using xTool Creative Space (XCS). Setting up a Wi-Fi connection enables seamless wireless operation of your xTool device, making it easier to access, control, and manage projects directly from your computer.

  • Before starting, please make sure you have your USB cable and Wi-Fi network information on hand.


#1 Connect your device with USB

  1. Connect your device to your computer via the USB cable included in your device package. In case of any uncertainty, refer to USB connection.
  2. In XCS, establish a connection via USB.

#2 Configure Wi-Fi in XCS

  1. In the top-right corner of XCS, click the Gear icon to access the "Device settings" panel.
  1. In the "Basic Info" tab, locate the "Wi-Fi setting" section before clicking on the "Setting" button.



Ensure that your device is connected to your computer via a USB cable before proceeding with the Wi-Fi setup. If your laser device is already connected to your computer via Wi-Fi, you won't be able to configure new Wi-Fi settings. 

To configure new settings, first disconnect the current Wi-Fi connection and reconnect to your computer using a USB cable before proceeding with the new Wi-Fi configuration.

  1. Enter your Wi-Fi name and password to complete the Wi-Fi setting.

💡 Important Note:
1. The computer and the device must be under the same network.
2. Pay attention to the router not to be too far away from the device to ensure the signal quality.
3. Make sure the name and password are correct.
4. Avoid using symbols such as "#!%&$".

#3 Switch to Wi-Fi connection

After you've connected your device through Wi-Fi, you can find it on the Wi-Fi tab, and next time, you can connect it without connecting your device to the computer through a USB cable.
  1. Click on your device icon on the right corner within XCS and click “Connect device” in the “Manage device” window.
  2. Choose “Wi-Fi”; find your device name and its IP address on the list below.
  3. Select your device on the list and connect. The connection status will change to "Wi-Fi".
  1. Go back to "Basic Info". If you find the IP address in "Wi-Fi Setting", this means the Wi-Fi connection is successful.

#4 Troubleshooting

  • If the Wi-Fi setup fails, refer to the "Wi-Fi Connection Failure" guide for additional solutions.
  • If the issue persists, please contact xTool Customer Service at for assistance.
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