Warranty for xTool P2
Updated Sep 20,2023
Updated Sep 20,2023

limited warranty

If the product does not work properly within the warranty period, please email support@xtool.com. Your email should include a valid purchase order number or any other proof of purchase, along with a detailed description of the failure.


Warranty coverage and duration

warranty period
xTool P2 series
The main components
12 months
Laser power supply, switching power supply, circuit board, motor (including water pump/air pump), camera, electronic lock switch, guide rail, timing belt
xTool P2 series
Consumable parts
6 months
Laser tube
xTool P2 series
Consumable parts
3 months
reflector, focusing mirror
xTool P2 series
No Warranty (Free replacement if damaged upon receipt)
Other parts except for main parts and consumable parts: slat, drawer, power cord, USB cable, exhaust pipe, funnel, antifreeze, consumables, screwdriver, manual guide, consumable clips, etc.

Special Notice

  • The warranty period starts from the date of the first purchase of the product and is subject to the invoice date. If there is no valid invoice, the warranty period starts from the date of delivery of the product. Repaired or replaced products or parts continue to be covered by the warranty for the remainder of the warranty period. If the remaining warranty period is less than 3 months, it will be regarded as 3 months; if the remaining warranty period is less than 30 days, it will be regarded as 30 days.
  • Product packaging, gifts, consumables, and accessories are not covered by the warranty, but if a problem occurs in the first use of the product, the product can be replaced for free. If packaging and accessories need to be added, or if refurbishment is required, xTool will charge a fee to cover the cost.
  • Regarding the warranty of the product purchased at home and shipped abroad: for the freight within the warranty period, we only bear the freight for the product to be sent back to the original place of purchase after the product is repaired.
  • xTool is not responsible for any other commitments made by the agent.

If there are service terms specially agreed upon after the sales, please refer to the contract confirmed by xTool.


responsibility range

  • In the process of providing after-sales service, xTool is only responsible for product loss when it assumes transportation and repair responsibilities.
  • In no event shall xTool be liable for personal injury or for any incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost data, business interruption, or any other damages arising out of your use of or commercial damages or losses, regardless of the theory of liability (contract, tort, or other), arising out of or relating to the inability to use xTool’s products, even if xTool has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


This warranty policy does not apply to the following situations.

  • Products or components whose warranty has expired;
  • Products purchased through non-xTool authorized channels, or products resold by other buyers;
  • Normal discoloration, wear and tear of the product during use;
  • Failure or damage is caused by incorrect use, maintenance, or storage, including incorrect handling, use of the product for purposes other than reasonably intended, improper plugging and unplugging of external devices, dropping or improper external impact, failure to Instructions for cleaning lenses & rails; contact or exposure to inappropriate temperature, solvents, acids, alkalis, water intrusion, etc., an infestation of insects or rodents or intrusion of foreign objects resulting in breakage of products or components (such as housings, components), dust, damage, wiring, etc.);
  • Failure or damage caused by installation, repair, alteration, addition, or disassembly by any institution or person not authorized by xTool;
  • Damage caused by unauthorized modification, disassembly, disassembly of the casing, or damage caused by an operation not in accordance with the official manual or instructions;
  • Products or parts whose original identifying information has been modified, replaced, or removed;
  • Products or parts for which you are unable to provide a valid receipt or any other documentation evidencing warranty status;
  • Failure or damage caused by using illegally licensed, non-standard, or non-public software;
  • Damage caused by reliability or compatibility issues caused by the use of unauthorized third-party parts;
  • Failure or damage caused by a virus infection, hacker attack, or other malicious infringement;
  • Failure or damage caused by force majeure or accident;
  • Damage occurred during the repair process;
  • Other failures or damages not caused by product quality;
  • A product that operates without interruption or error.

xTool is not responsible for the above problems. If you encounter the above issues, please contact the relevant parties for solutions.


Support out-of-warranty

After the specified warranty period has expired, xTool is no longer responsible for any costs (including shipping) associated with replacement parts and repairs. You will be responsible for all repairs, replacement parts, and shipping associated with the product outside the warranty period. xTool can provide quotes for necessary parts and repairs.

Note: This after-sales policy may vary due to local laws and regulations, and xTool reserves the right to interpret and modify this warranty policy at any time at its sole discretion.

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