Operate xTool F1 Lite with LightBurn on a Computer
Updated Feb 19,2025
Updated Feb 19,2025


If you need to control xTool F1 Lite through LightBurn, download the official release of the LightBurn software. LightBurn is a third-party software, and therefore Makeblock Co., Ltd. shall bear no responsibility for any loss caused by the operation of LightBurn.

The firmware of xTool F1 Lite has been tested in detail by Makeblock Co., Ltd, but incompatibility with the software or hardware may still occur. You can contact our after-sales service for technical support if errors occur due to incompatibility.


Download and install Lightburn

  1. Go to https://lightburnsoftware.com/pages/trial-version-try-before-you-buy 
  2. Download LightBurn and install it. If you are a new user, you have a 30-day free trial.

Note: Make sure you use the latest version of LightBurn, and your LightBurn is licensed. If the software is of an early version or is a cracked or pirated version, device connection may fail.


Connect xTool F1 Lite with LightBurn

  1. Download the configuration file for xTool F1 Lite: xTool-F1 Lite-V1.0.lbdev.
  2. Open LightBurn. On the Laser panel, click Devices.

Note: Ensure that you start to configure xTool F1 Lite in this way instead of choosing Import Prefs from the menu. If you choose Import Prefs, the original configuration is overridden.

  1. On the Devices window, click Import to import the configuration file (xTool-F1 Lite-V1.0.lbdev).

4. After the file is successfully imported, xTool F1 Lite is displayed as the device in the bottom-right corner.

5. Connect your computer with xTool F1 Lite by using the USB cable.


Start processing plane materials

  1. Place a material to be processed in the working area.

Note: You can also take out the removable baseplate and place the material under the base of xTool F1 Lite. For more information about how to place materials, see xTool F1 Lite User Manual.

  1. Turn the knob to move the laser module up and down. When the red and blue light spots coincide, the focus is successfully set.

  1. On the canvas of LightBurn, design the processing pattern.

  1. Set the processing parameters.

  1. Set Start From to Absolute Coords.

  1. Click Frame to see whether the processing pattern is in the expected area on the material.

  1. Click Start to start processing your material.


Start processing cylindrical materials

  1. Connect and place the rotary attachment on xTool F1 Lite.

For detailed information and instructions on how to use the rotary attachment, see User Manual for Rotary Attachment 2 (RA2).
For more information on how to connect xTool F1 Lite with the rotary attachment, see Use the Rotary Attachment with xTool F1/F1 Lite.

  1. Turn the knob to move the laser module up and down. When the red and blue light spots coincide, the focus is successfully set.

  1. Click Device Settings > GCode. In Start GCode, enter the following commands: G100 and M116A2B-4.
  1. Click  in the upper part of the page, or select Laser Tools > Rotary Setup. Then, the rotary setup dialog box appears.

7. Set the parameters for the rotary attachment as follows and click OK.


(1) Choose your rotary type: Chuck or roller.

(2) Enable rotary and "mirror output" (opt-out if you are using roller rotary).

(3) Choose "Y Axis" for the rotary axis.

(4) Enter the corresponding parameter for rotary attachment.

(5) Enter your object parameters.

8. On the canvas, design the processing pattern and set processing parameters for each object.

9. On the Console panel on the right side, click ROTARY_FRAMING. Then, click Frame to preview the position of the processing pattern on the material.

Note: To stop framing, click ROTARY_FRAMING_CLOSE.

10. Click Start to start processing your material.

Note: To turn off the cylindrical processing mode, click the Enable Rotary button to disable it, and then delete the added commands G100 and M116A2B-4 in Device Dettings.



  1. To ensure that xTool F1 Lite works properly with Lightburn during laser processing, you need to set the transfer mode to buffered: on the toolbar, select Edit > Device Settings. Set the Transfer mode to Buffered.

  1. For an image object, enable Overscanning for it to prevent charred edges.

  1. You can switch between XCS and LightBurn after turning on xTool F1 Lite.

You can visit the website of LightBurn to view more information on how to use LightBurn.



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