Operation Access Control
Updated May 30,2024
Updated May 30,2024

What is an access-control key?

For laser machines, the key is a physical security device used to control processing access. Without the key inserted, the machine cannot perform laser processing or related functions. You can remove it to prevent unauthorized use when the machine is unattended or to prevent accidents during servicing or repair.


How to use the key?

To use the processing and related functions of the device, insert the key into the back of the device.


To disable the processing and related functions of the device, remove the key and keep it properly.



  • Keep the key properly. When you don't use the machine, remove the key and keep it in a safe place to avoid loss or theft. Only authorized people can possess and use the key.
  • Perform regular checks. Check the status of the key regularly. If it can't be inserted properly, repair or replace it promptly.
  • Follow the operation instructions when using a laser machine. Use the key to lock or unlock laser processing functions at the right time.
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